New Resident Orientation


You’ve just settled in and partially unpacked. Now what? Below are 11 steps recommended you take within your first two weeks of residency ensure the most of your new resident experience!

  1. Join the Moyaone Association. Find membership information here. Membership supports the integrity of the community’s infrastructure.
  2. Provide your contact information to the Moyaone Association to ensure you are included in important community messaging. Submit contact information to the Moyaone Secretary and the Chair of the Membership Committee.
  3. Contact the Chair of the Membership Committee to get your Moyaone parking decals.
  4. Contact the Association’s Comptroller to be sure your Moyaone Community Membership (property) dues are up to date.
  5. Meet your nearest neighbors! Stop in to say hello or contact the Chair of the Membership Committee to get an introduction to your neighbors.
  6. Consider getting involved in a Moyaone social community!
  7. Attend the next Moyaone Association event or fundraiser. This is a great way to meet your new neighbors face to face and learn of the best of the best in nearby retail.
  8. Review and ensure you understand and abide by the National Park Service deed restrictions and covenants.
  9. Take inventory of the trees surrounding your home and make note of any that appear sick, injured or potentially threatening to your property. Contact the National Park Service for a free tree consultation before felling any trees.
  10. Visit your neighbors at the Alice Ferguson Foundation, the Accokeek Foundation, and across the river at Mount Vernon.
  11. Program emergency numbers into your phone (fire department, National Park Police, county police, Moyaone Roads Committee Chair).